Who We Are And What We Do?
Marcos D. Oliva was born in San Antonio, Texas and moved to McAllen where he attended James “Nikki” Rowe High School. After graduation, he attended Texas A&M University in College Station on a full scholarship where he majored in Biomedical Science. After college graduation, he attended law school at John Marshall Law School in Chicago, Illinois. He has been back in Texas since 2004 and now practices consumer and business bankruptcy law.
Why Bankruptcy Law?
Marcos originally went into the legal profession with the intention of practicing patent and licensing law. However, he was instead drawn to bankruptcy law because of the field’s incredible potential to help people in immediate need. You see, Marcos comes from a middle-class family that struggled to keep up with their bills. His parents ran a small business and were railroaded by IRS debt. As he learned more about bankruptcy law, he was impressed by its ability to give real people the power they need to recover their lives.
For example, when someone files bankruptcy, they are granted an automatic injunction against all their creditors no matter who those creditors are — including the IRS. In other words, once you file for bankruptcy, your creditors legally have to stop harassing you for payment. This empowerment, coupled with Marcos’ firsthand experience struggling with serious debt, make him a compassionate and effective bankruptcy attorney.
I will do what’s best for you rather than try to earn more money for myself. When you work with me, you will always come first.